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An academic institution that forms part of the School of Law
of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Our mission is to be a leading research center committed to the study and promotion of international law

With a global perspective, Athens PIL runs research and projects with an impact in international law

Study in Greece!

Our new LL.M. in International and European Law, taught entirely in English, builds on the very successful LL.M. programme we have created in the Athens Law School in the past ten years. It is an intensive Master’s programme, which provides students with an in-depth understanding of International and European Union Law in both their theoritical and practical aspects.

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We are very happy to announce that the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens has joined a select group of leading law faculties around the world invited by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to participate in the Judicial Fellowship Programme.

Each year, recent law graduates will be selected to work at the International Court of Justice, for a period of approximately one year.

Keep an eye on the News sections in order to see when the places are announced or subsicribe to our mailing list to get notified! 

You can find the 2022-2023 Judicial Fellowship call here.

You can find more about the programme information here.

Opportunities for Students

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